Get Things Done

This week in CEP810 David Allen taught me, “you need no new skills to increase your productivity–just a new set of behaviors about when and where to apply them” (p.80).  I was intrigued. As a teacher, MAET student, beginning self publisher, and wife it feels like my work load is never ending. I used to think I just needed more time but what I really needed was Wunderlist. Wunderlist enables you to create lists and share them with others. I not only made a list of what I need to get done for work in my final week and a half of school, I could actually input due dates! Seeing the dates I needed to complete my goals gave me a sense of “I can do this.” I am able to focus on what I need to get done first and then begin what I need to finish by the last day of school. There are even alerts that will go off notifying me that my deadline has arrived. I have attached a screenshot image below of my work list. As I complete each of my goals, I can check off the box to the left giving me a sense of accomplishment and relief!



Allen, D. (2001). Getting things done: The art of stress-free productivity. New York: Penguin.

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