21st Century Lesson Plan

This week in CEP810, I studied the five core competencies as fundamental literacy practices from Renee Hobbs book, “Digital and Media Literacy: Connecting Culture and Classroom.” Those five competencies have inspired me to write a 21st Century reading lesson. I decided to focus two ISTE Standards and the State Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.9: Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures. As a teacher, I had always struggled with teaching this lesson before because I never had access to enough book copies to give to each of my students as they worked. This took away student choice and did not allow them the opportunity to act in a way that gave purpose. Now that I have computer access through our computer lab or portable chrome books I can use electronic versions of the story rather than paper ones. I have chosen to link the different versions of Cinderella books I have found under the materials section of my lesson so now anyone can teach this lesson.  Students will analyze two versions of Cinderella and create a poster using Piktochart to show how the stories are the same and different. They can choose to use words, images, maps, graphs, and more to represent their findings! It is very important that the rubric I have provided is given to students as they work to use as a self-assessment. This allows them to reflect on if they are purposefully making media choices to represent each success criteria needed to meet their target. I opted to let students act in partnerships rather than individually because we have not had a lot of exposure to Piktochart in the past. I also strongly feel that for students to thrive in a 21st Century working world they must learn how to communicate clearly with their colleagues while collaborating to create.  My lesson can be taught in one 90 minute period or can be broken up into two 45 minute work times. Please click click here to view my full lesson plan!




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